Members (office: #505, Science & Tech. Building #2)

Ph. D. Students and Candidates

Hyeonseung Ban (반현승)

Rakesh Kumar Jha (즈하 라케시 쿠마르)

Ji Hyeon Woo (우지현)

Jun Kyu Sung (성준규)

M. S. Students

Hyo Geun Lee (이효근)

Eun Sang Lee (이은상)

Min Ju Kim (김민주)

Eun A Kim (김은아)

Min Seok Kim (김민석)

Hong Gu Kang (강홍구)

Haneul Kim (김하늘)

Hye Ju Jang (장혜주)

Seong Ho Lee (이성호)

Undergraduate Students

Administrative Staff

김혜원 (Kim, Hye-won)


We're looking for undergraduate researchers and graduate students who have interests on nanomaterials and devices. Students with strong background on Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Electrical and Chemical Engineering and other related engineering major are always welcome.

Please contact Prof. Seong-Yong Cho (seongyongcho (at) directly.

열정적인 학부 연구생과 더불어, 연구를 함께 할 대학원생을 모집합니다.

seongyongcho(at) 로 연락 주세요.